The VI Justice Initiative will give an ethics presentation to Virgin Islands Attorneys at the Virgin Islands Bar Association Annual Meeting on December 8, 2023 from 1:20 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. at the Westin at Frenchman's Reef in St. Thomas. This presentation will provide ethics Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits for Virgin Islands attorneys on the topic of Interest On Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA).
VI Justice Initiative Executive Director, Casey Payton, is currently serving a 3-year appointment to the Virgin Islands IOLTA Board. The National Association of IOLTA Programs (NAIP) invited Casey to participate in the 2023 ABA & NAIP Joint IOLTA Conference in Columbus, OH from November 1-3, 2023.
At the VI Bar Association Annual Meeting on December 8, 2023, Casey and Amaris Torres-Rivera, Executive Director of IOLTA Puerto Rico, will report back to the Virgin Islands Bar Association on the advancements and national trends in IOLTA -- including a racial justice perspective -- and current professional responsibility requirements for attorneys in the Virgin Islands.
Pictured left to right: Amaris Torres-Rivera and Casey Payton